Trauma Recovery Network Vancouver -helping displaced women of war with free psychological EMDR services

What Our Trauma Recovery Network  Has Accomplished

Our Trauma Recovery Team  EMDR HAP has been busy facilitating workshops to help offer free psychological EMDR workshops for women and their children fleeing from the war. We now have a team of 14 therapists who are providing EMDR translation and free follow-up counselling! 

Sponsors and Hosts

Through the help of the Maple Hope Foundation, Maple Hope Foundation we have successfully run one workshop in Vancouver. Thanks to the Maple Ridge Welcoming Ukrainian Committee we have also helped fun the second workshop in Maple Ridge. Maple Ridge News

The combination of our stellar therapists and volunteers from these communities has helped create a therapeutic environment as well as provide opportunities for connection and healing.  

Next EMDR Workshop: 

Our next 2 day Free EMDR workshop for displaced women of war will take place in Richmond on July 16th and July 17th.

Do you want to help?

Here are the ways you can make a difference right now!

  1. Donate to our cause  Funds to pay for the Interpreter’s food and space 
  2. Spread the word digitally by posting this link on your Instagram or FB page Referral Form for July 16th & 17th  If you are a settlement worker please share! If you are part of the Ukrainian community or church please share! 
  3. Are you a counsellor social worker or psychologist that speaks Ukraine? Do you want to help us carry the message, help with our workshop, help with our translation paperwork such as assessment feedback forms or just be part of our community? You can join our team. 
  4. Can you sponsor space in your community to help us run our workshop? Do you already know Ukrainian volunteers within your community that would be willing to help? Please contact me if you want us to come to your community.